Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Graduation!

So of course when I set aside the time to make a new post, blogger is down so I can"t do anything :(

But alas it is back up again so I can get to my post.

Tis the season for graduation.  Here at FSU people graduated 2 weeks ago, across the country college students are taking, preparing for or have already taken finals.  Which for the lucky seniors means that they are one step closer to graduating or have already done so.  Soon to come will be the lucky high schoolers who are ready for the freedom that college represents.

With that being said, apparently FSU thinks that I have graduated because I keep getting congratulation emails from the school and requests to order graduation announcement.  Unfortunately you are stuck with me for one more year.  Depressing I know.

However many of my good friends did graduate this year and to y'all I say Congrats!

Need I another excuse to bake?

For one of my friend's graduation lunch I was asked to make some cupcakes for the lunch.

Want to see what I came up with?  Well wait no longer.

Its a graduation cap and diploma!

And for the girl who loves music...

My friend Jessica came over around midnight (because of my crazy busy schedule) and helped me make them.  We had been wanting to bake/decorate together and found this to be the perfect time.  Kristin and David gave great moral support as they watched Steve Carell's last episode of the office and stuff about the royal wedding on my computer.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Hey there! So as always I'm running a little behind in posting a new post, in fact you will be getting 3 new ones shortly.

And of course while I was in the midst of writing this post I had to stop and run and do something so everything just gets ever more delayed. I also realize that this post is rather jumbled and not the best English but I want to at least give you something

Anyways, Easter.

For Easter I decided to make a cake. It ended up tasting good although I wasn't too sure about how it ended up.

I made a chocolate cake with white chocolate ganache and strawberry filling, topped with white chocolate ganache , "shredded" chocolate and chocolate truffle eggs dipped in white chocolate.

The original recipe had regular chocolate vs. white chocolate, so I didnt take that into consideration when I was covering the chocolate cake because you could see part of it through the white chocolate.  But hey it got ate anyways.

Well to keep it short and sweet I'll just let you take a look and then be done with it.